The Philippine Master of Pinukpuk

According to julianemb(n.d.), Eduardo Mutuc is a Kapampangan master craftsman of religious and secular art in plated silver. His delicate craftsmanship and attention to detail are apparent from the smallest piece of metal craft to the forty-foot retables he produces. He was conferred the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan or the National Living Treasures Award in 2004.
Mutuc was born on October 12, 1949 in Apalit Pampanga to farmers and grew up with nine siblings. His educational attainment is only elementary education since he helped his parents in farming. As an adult, he continued to work as a farmer.
Furthermore, Mutuc found an alternative source of income in addition to his earning from farming. He started his career in woodcarving at age 29. Based on an article from C.Pangilinan (2015), he worked in an antique shop owned by the Lozano family who were his relatives as a helper. It was during his stint that he learned woodcarving under Carlos Quiros. On his sixth year, he learned silver plating or locally known pinukpuk from a colleague and left the furniture shop where he was working to be an independent craftsman with another friend.
Moreover, according to NCCA (n.d.), one of his first clients as an independent craftsman was Monsignor Fidelis Limcauco who commissioned him to create a tabernacle for a parish church in Fairview, Quezon City. He won’t on to create other religious works many of which are based on Spanish colonial designs although Mutuc also incorporates his own ideas. He also did works of secular nature, although even in this case rely on religious influence to create such works.
Mr. Eduardo Tubig Mutuc of Apalit, Pampanga, who received this distinguished award in 2004 was the only Kapampangan recipient of the Gawad ng Manlilikha ng Bayan Awards so far. The GAMABA or National Living Treasure award, analogous to the National Artist award, is one of the most prestigious honors presented to traditional artists in the Philippines. Only 10 Filipinos have received this accolade to date, and the people of Pampanga should be proud to have one of them among us. Eduardo Tubig Mutuc has established himself as one of the country's top metal craftsmen for more than three decades. Ecclesiastical artifacts like altar tables and tabernacles, as well as collectors' goods like candelabras, picture frames, and even salakots, have been commissioned by him. Tesoro's in Manila sells several of his items.
Monsignor Fidelis Limcauco, who commissioned him to build a tabernacle for the parish of Fairview in Quezon City, was one of his earliest assignments. Clients continued to hire him to construct other works, many of which are inspired by Spanish colonial themes. The weeks leading up to Holy Week and Christmas are the busiest. He gets his inspirations from old religious designs and incorporates them into the final result. While he finds satisfaction in creating sculptures for the church, the economic downturn has resulted in fewer requests for commissioned items. Even for his non-religious works, he draws influence from church art.
Last March 16, 2016 at the National Museum (NM) in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, At least 20 museum and heritage professionals from Australia and Southeast Asia attended Manlilikha ng Bayan (National Living Treasure) Eduardo Mutuc’s lecture-demonstration of his art of pukpuk or metal craft. As part of a week-long workshop on Christian art in Southeast Asia hosted by NM and the Center for Southeast Asian Archaeological Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA), Eduardo Mutuc held a two-hour workshop. Mutuc was recognized in a workshop with his son Edwin, who introduced the participants at the beginning of the trade.
In Sikat Pinoy Art Fair 2014 opening night, Eduardo Mutuc also enters the venue’s event lobby with his artistry in crafting religious and secular art in silver and wood is best exemplified by the pieces on exhibit at his boot.
In SM Pampanga, A joint project by SM, Manila Metropolitan Museum, Shell Philippines and Philippine Stars, the National Commission for Cultural Arts and Centerstage Productions, My City, My SM and My Art celebrate the visual arts of the Philippines. -Painting, sculpture, prints, photography, filmmaking. Connect art with people by showingcase the work of masters, modernists and millennials at roadshows around SM Supermalls. Eduardo Mutuc’s showcase his religious secular art in silver, bronze, and wood. His intricately detailed retablos (altar backdrops), mirrors, altars, and carosas (religious statues on carriages) are in churches and private collections.

P. (2015, February 13). Pangilinan: Eduardo Mutuc: Living Treasure in our Midst. Sunstar. https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/393092/Lifestyle/Pangilinan-Eduardo-Mutuc-Living-Treasure-in-our-Midst
Gamaba: Eduardo Mutuc. National Commission for Culture and the Arts. (2019, September 3). Retrieved November 8, 2021, from https://ncca.gov.ph/about-culture-and-arts/culture-profile/gamaba/national-living-treasures-eduardo-mutuc/.
Eduardo Mutuc conducts metalcraft demo at NM Vigan. National Commission for Culture and the Arts. (2017, November 8). Retrieved November 8, 2021, from https://ncca.gov.ph/2016/03/22/gamaba-awardee-eduardo-mutuc-conducts-metalcraft-demo-national-museum-vigan/.
my-city-my-sm-my-art-sacred-arts-pampanga-514406. (2016, December 10). My City, MY SM, My Art: Sacred Arts of Pampanga. Sunstar. Retrieved November 8, 2021, from https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/114793/Local-News/-My-City-My-SM-My-Art-Sacred-Arts-of-Pampanga.
David, R. (1970, January 1). Sikat Pinoy Art Fair 2014 - OPENING NIGHT. Sikat Pinoy Art Fair 2014 - Opening Night. Retrieved November 8, 2021, from https://rickystake.blogspot.com/2014/10/sikat-pinoy-art-fair-2014-opening-night.html?fbclid=IwAR0UHZaeBXp4ZJeyKaYoIfhywo155LAKsFflhdLOdfBApiIiFdG4iK9Bm8Y.
C. Pangilinan (2015). Pangilinan: Eduardo Mutuc: Living Treasure in our Midst. Revtrieved from https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/393092/Lifestyle/Pangilinan-Eduardo-Mutuc-Living-Treasure-in-our-Midst
NCCA(n.d.). National Living Treasures: Eduardo Mutuc. Retrieved from https://ncca.gov.ph/about-culture-and-arts/culture-profile/gamaba/national-living-treasures-eduardo-mutuc/
julianemb(n.d.).Biography and Artworks of Artist Eduardo Mutuc. Retrieved from https://www.coursehero.com/file/49711987/Biography-and-Artworks-of-Artist-EDUARDO-MUTUCdocx/
Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan or the National Living Treasures Award. (n.d.). Aboutphilippines.Org. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from https://aboutphilippines.org/files/Gamaba-Awardees.pdf
Mercado, C. D. (2021, March 17). Eduardo Mutuc [Slides]. Prezi.Com. https://prezi.com/p/pzzboga_ahc4/eduardo-mutuc/
A National Treasure. (n.d.). FAME+. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from https://www.fameplus.com/touchpoint/a-national-treasure